
Alyssa Yee, MD

Sexual Medicine Physician

Dr. Alyssa Yee is a Sexual Medicine Physician and Reconstructive Urologist who completed her clinical fellowship at San Diego Sexual Medicine in 2021-2022 under the mentorship of Dr. Irwin Goldstein. In her fellowship, she was awarded the SMSNA Foundation Research grant to investigate the pathophysiology of neuroproliferative vestibulodynia–a painful sexual condition of the vulva. Drawing from her research, Dr. Yee innovated the first sub-epithelial complete vestibulectomy surgery, allowing for decreased blood loss and post-operative pain with excellent response.

Dr. Yee proudly draws on her experience as a patient advocate for the Crime Victims Treatment Center of New York as the inspiration for pursuing a medical career and for providing compassionate care. A long-time New Yorker, she is an esteemed graduate of SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Barnard College at Columbia University. She complete a urological surgery residency at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn.

Her Professional and research interests include neuroproliferative vestibulodynia, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, hormonally mediate sexual pain, reconstructive urology, access to care, and penile prosthetic surgery. She is involved in several health-related non-profit organizations and sits on the medical advisory board for World Vasectomy Day as well as the Tight Lipped podcast. In her spare time, Dr. Yee loves cooking, dancing, and flying trapeze. She is thrilled to join Dr. Goldstein as a partner at San Diego Sexual Medicine for continued research and patient care. 



Lumbar endoscopic spine surgery for persistent genital arousal disorder/genitopelvic dysesthesia resulting from lumbosacral annular tear–induced sacral radiculopathy. Choll W. Kim, MD, PhD1,2, Irwin Goldstein, MD2,3,*, Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD4, Sue W. Goldstein3, Noel N. Kim, PhD5, Rose Hartzell-Cushanick, PhD3, Maria Uloko, MD2,3,6, Alyssa Yee, MD2,3


  • Peer reviewer for Sexual Medicine Reviews journal.
  • 11.2022 Instructor in the ISSWSH virtual genital pelvic pain course on Bladder and Urethral pain.
  • 2023 Instructional Faculty for the course on Urologic Management of Female Sexual Dysfunction at the 2023 AUA Annual Meeting in Chicago.
  • 1.22.2023 Invited Expert Panelist at the Medical Students Forum 3rd annual Symposium on Female Sexual Medicine discussing premenopausal female sexual function.
  • 3.2023 Instructor of neurogenital testing at the Hands-on Genitopelvic Pain course at ISSWSH annual meeting in St Louis, MO.
  • 4.27.2023 Invited lecturer on current hormone replacement therapy at the SMSNA meeting at the AUA Annual Meeting in Chicago.
  • 6.2.2023 Instructor for ISSWSH/NPWH virtual course on Pre-menopausal Hormonal Abnormalities.
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